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Jordan St. Cyr

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Nothing Is Wasted

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The hurt that broke your heart
And left you trembling in the dark
Feeling lost and alone
Will tell you hope’s a lie
But what if every tear you cry
Will seed the ground where joy will grow

Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted

It’s from the deepest wounds
That beauty finds a place to bloom
And you will see before the end
That every broken piece is
Gathered in the heart of Jesus
And what’s lost will be found again

Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted

When hope is more than you can bear
And it’s too hard to believe it could be true
And your strength fails you halfway there
You can lean on me and I’ll believe for you
And in time you will believe it too

Nothing is wasted
Nothing is wasted
Sometimes we are waiting
In sorrow we have tasted
But joy will replace it
Nothing is wasted
In the hands of our Redeemer
Nothing is wasted

©2011 Centricity Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Nothing Is Wasted Music (ASCAP) / Sony/ATV Timber Publishing (SESAC) / Windsor Hill Music (SESAC) / Simply Complex Songs (adm by Simpleville Music, Inc.) (SESAC) / Countermechanical Music (adm by Simpleville Music, Inc.) (SESAC)
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