Hands holding each other in support as a group of people


Let’s come together and pray for each other! This is a safe place for you to share what’s on your heart with others in the community. Share your prayer requests anonymously, and be uplifted as others pray with you!


Newest Prayers Recent without prayers

October 20, 2024

Pastor Ruby and Bongo Bongolan

Prayers that pastor Bongo will be able to have members at his church step up to fill the position of secretary and choir director. Since his church recently lost their secretary who also was the choir director. Also, pray for Bongo who is going through cancer treatment and prayers for Ruby to get her rest and to know that she is doing a great job with all that she is doing.

October 17, 2024

urgent need for wife

My wife is under attack from some people in a church, her church of 14 years, There was a matter mishandled by leadership and she tried to end her life on Sunday but was spared. We need an intervention from God to immediately to bring closure and peace to this matter and protection for her. Thank you for hearing my request.

October 17, 2024

Prayers please

I am a cancer survivor and had my first child recently. I had some tenderness today and felt a lump. Please send prayers that this is musculature and nothing more. Anxiety is high after going through my cancer journey.

October 16, 2024

Stomach flu

Please pray for this virus to leave my body. I’ve been stuck in a hotel room. And can’t get home fighting this off. Please pray for my health amen

October 15, 2024

Direction & Belief/Trust in God's Promises

I asked for prayer for direction in my life. I am working two jobs while being a single mom. And my kids Are struggling with the transition from homeschool to public school due to our life situation. I know where God is calling me and I'm just not sure how I'm supposed to balance all of this. Enough money is not coming in to take care of my bills, specifically my rent. Prayers that I will not be kicked out by the end of this month. Prayers for God to meet my need. Prayers for the applications for rental assistance to come through sooner than I have been notified it will take to process my application. Prayers for strength in believing and trusting in God's promises with all my heart and all my mind and all my strength. I also have pneumonia, prayers for healing from that so that I can work. 💛 Thank you, family in Christ ❤️

October 15, 2024

Blessing and favor

I have been living in my car with my support animals for about 2 years. It's getting harder to find help with gas and with it getting cold we use more gas to keep warm. I pray that God will open doors and give me blessings and favor to find help. And find a place to live.

October 15, 2024

Prayer for strength during divorce

I am in the middle of a divorce from my wife. We have three kids who are our whole world. My spouse has done everything in their power to keep our kids from me and alienate them from me as well. I am needing patience, strength, and love as the devil tries to work in this situation. My spouse is doing everything their attorney tells them to do, without care or concern for our kids and their hearts for both parents. I have wrestled with depression, loneliness , and the thoughts that go with it through this whole process.

October 15, 2024

Will of God

Been praying to be in the will of the Lord more to experience being a disciple spreading the Word. I am praying for a church to attend with more to offer in Discipleship. I am also veteran dealing with health issues as my wife is also with her heart, I pray the Lord will continue to heal and protect us in all things in this world. please pray for us in becoming servants for the Lord.

October 13, 2024


I pray for patience as I work the healthcare and the facility I work at is starting to get extremely frustrating and I get to start lose my patience.

October 11, 2024

Dog Passed Away

My dog passed away this morning. He was my best friend and walked along side me for 12 years. He was loved by so many. My family and I are grieving today. If there is a prayer to spare, please pray for peace. He lived such a good life and I am eternally grateful that the Lord provided me with a best friend like him.