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Heaven On Earth


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He Still Does (Miracles)

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Official Video

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When you’re at the end of the road
And it’s not the one that you would’ve chosen
When you’re at the end of your rope
And you’re holding on
But feel like you’re falling

With every option exhausted
You tried everything you know
You saw a light, then you lost it
But there is still hope

Like the fire in the night
Like the ocean parted wide
Like the grave empty inside
You will see
He still does

Even if you don’t see it now
Without a doubt, He’s already moving
There is not a pain that you hold
He doesn’t know
And He isn’t using

With every option exhausted
You tried everything you know
So reach for something beyond it
‘Cause He is our hope

A broken heart can be restored
A broken soul can be reborn
And greater things are still in store
For us

More than you can dare to dream
More than you have ever seen
There’s still more

Atlantis Underwater Music / Fairtrade Tunes (SESAC) (admin. at EssentialMusicPublishing.com); So Essential Tunes / Fellow Ships Music (SESAC) (admin. at EssentialMusicPublishing.com); David Songs (STIM) (admin. by David Media AB c/o Music Services, Inc.). All rights reserved.
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