I see shattered You see whole / I see broken You see beautiful / But You’re helping me believe / You’re restoring me piece by piece // CHORUS: There’s nothing too dirty / That You can’t make worthy / You wash me in mercy / I am clean // There’s nothing too dirty / That You can’t make worthy / You wash me in mercy / I am clean // What was dead now lives again / Hope is beating, beating inside my chest / I’m coming alive with joy and destiny / ‘Cause You’re restoring me piece by piece // REPEAT CHORUS // Washed in the blood of Your sacrifice / Your love flowed red and made me white / My dirty rags are purified / I’m clean // I’m clean / I’m clean / You make me, You wash me / Clean

I could go on and on about how amazing Pastor Steve is. Still, nothing compares to his Christ-like characteristics and his willingness to serve God. I thank God every day for leading me to be a part of this amazing church and be a part of the lives of Steve’s amazing family.