Bryce is our church’s youth pastor. I truly believe that Bryce is a key piece to our youth program’s success. He is constantly invested in the youth of many surrounding communities, whether it be through Wednesday youth nights, helping them and encouraging them to try a camp, showing up to their sporting events, traveling to a different country to serve on a missions trip, or helping them outwardly show their faith journey through their baptisms. He is encouraging, and supportive and can connect with many different personalities and ages. Having a youth pastor like Bryce can sometimes be under-recognized. I do not doubt that he’s played an incredibly important role in many of the lives of the kids that have come through the schools and communities near Steamboat Rock Baptist Church.
I could go on and on about how amazing Pastor Steve is. Still, nothing compares to his Christ-like characteristics and his willingness to serve God. I thank God every day for leading me to be a part of this amazing church and be a part of the lives of Steve’s amazing family.